Friday, September 14, 2012

Hurray for International Dot Day!

September 15th is International Dot Day!

We celebrated today by reading 

The Dot

International Dot Day is a day to celebrate being creative!

Creative was even our Buzz Word of the Day this week!

After listening to Mrs. Ranney read The Dot, we were inspired to be creative 
and create some dot creations of our own!

Enjoy the slide show of our Dot Day celebration of creativity!

Dot Day Creations! on PhotoPeach

What did you enjoy most about International Dot Day?
How did you celebrate at home?
Can you think of anything else to create with a dot?


  1. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    I loved International Dot Day! My favorite part was making dot men out of clay. I thought that they were snowmen, but Mrs. Ranney called them dot men. That’s how I got the name.

    What was your favorite part of International Dot Day?

    Have a great three day weekend!

    From your student,


    1. Dear Alex,

      I am glad that you enjoyed getting creative on International Dot Day! Your dot men were terrific creations!

      Enjoy your weekend!

      Mrs. Ranney

  2. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,
    I watched the video of international Dot Day, and I loved it! Getting to see how creative the kids were was wonderful. My personal favorite was the chalk used to make dots. There were some stunning pastel colors used. Mrs. Ranney, I especially like when you make theses videos to show us parents what the kids are doing in class. Thank you!


    Andrea (Charlotte's mom)

    1. Dear Andrea,

      I am so glad that you enjoyed our Dot Day creativity! I really loved watching the students create such beautiful dot creations!

      Thanks so much for your support of our blog!

      Mrs. Ranney

  3. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    In a museum in Chicago, I saw a painting completely made of dots. A French painter, George Seurat invented this unique technique called pointillism. If you are close to the picture, you can only see thousands of dots in different colors. But from a distance, the dots make an amazing image. So here is a link to one of his pictures; I hope you like it:
    Painting by Georges Seurat

    Does anybody in the class know the name of the tower in the picture?

    Happy International Dot Day,

    Maya (Alexandra’s mom)

    1. Dear Maya,

      What a wonderful connection you made with Dot Day! Seurat has always been a favorite artist of mine. I think his pointillism technique is fascinating and very inventive!

      Thank you so much for the link you shared. I can't wait to see who sees and identifies the famous tower first!

      Mrs. Ranney

  4. Dear Maya, (Alexandra's mom)
    I went on the link, and I know what the famous tower is! It's the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France! One day I want to go to Paris and see it in person.

    Best Wishes,

  5. Dear Mrs. Ranney,

    Tyler was so excited about International Dot Day. We watched the video together of all the beautiful projects done in class and enjoyed seeing everyone's hard work. He is looking forward to another fun week at school.

    Ms. S.

  6. Dear Mrs. Ranney,

    My favorite part about International Dot Day was drawing with chalk and working with my friends.


  7. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    I was so excited about International Dot Day.
    My favorite part was getting to draw on the ground with chalk and hearing a story.
    Charlotte and I drew a big person with a bunny on a leash.
    I'm looking forward to next years International Dot Day.


  8. Dear Mrs.Ranney,

    For International Dot Day I was going to decorate my room with dots, but I did not have time. I love International Dot Day!

    I did not now there was an International Dot Day, did you?


  9. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    Your dot creations are absolutely brilliant. Your modelling clay dot patterns were intriguing. I hadn't thought of using modelling clay to create dots.

    For me, my dot work was prepared on the computer with links to the creative dot classes I have visited. I've now added a link to your International Dot Day post because I was impressed with how beautiful your patterns were.

    Thank you for brightening my day with your dots. :)

    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

    1. Dear Mr. Mannell,

      Thank you for commenting on our blog. We loved your comment. Thank you for coming to our blog.

      and Maya

  10. Dear Mrs. Ranney

    International Dot Day was the best thing at school on Friday. I first made a giant dot with the dry erase markers then I made a dot with the chalk. I really liked International dot day.


  11. Hi Mrs. Ranney,

    After practicing labeling the map for homework today, Tyler went on your website and noticed that the cluster map was a great addition to International Dot Day! He was very excited to make the connection and show me all the people around the world who view the blog.

    Thank you,
    Ms. Sacks

  12. Dear Mrs. Ranney

    I am Charlotte's grandmother aka "Shiny". I watched the video that you posted of International Dot Day. I was very impressed with what the children did. I really enjoyed looking at their creations. It reminds me of a famous Asian artist, who's artwork is done only in dots. Not only is her artwork done in dots, the only clothing she wears is made up of dots! She was made fun of for many years of her life, and now she is famous in her country. I only wish I knew her name.

    Does anyone in the class know this artist's name?

    Shelli (Charlotte's grandmother)

    1. Dear Grandma,

      I did a chalk picture with Lia. We did a dot person and a dot bunny. I enjoyed watching our creations too. You told me that you didn't know that artist's name.

      I don't know her name, but does anyone know her name?

      Best wishes,

  13. Dear Mrs Ranney,

    The cluster map on your blog is good for International Dot day because it has dots on it!


    1. Dear Tyler,

      I am so impressed with how observant you are! You are absolutely right, the Clustr Map is perfect for Dot Day!

      Can you tell about what the dots represent?

      Keep up the great work!

      Mrs. Ranney

    2. Mrs. Ranney,

      The dots on the map show how many people have seen the blog. I even saw there were people from South Africa that looked at the blog.



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:) Mrs. Ranney