Friday, February 3, 2012

Perfectly Pleasant Puffins!

This week Mrs. Ranney's class is reading  a wonderful story called "Nights of the Pufflings"

The story tells about young Halla (HATT-lah) and her friends 
of Heimaey (HAY-mah-ay) Island, Iceland who
rescue stranded pufflings 
and launch them out over the ocean. 


The Common Atlantic Puffin spends part of its life in Iceland. Iceland is an island nation in the North Atlantic Ocean. Only a little part of Iceland is covered with ice. Iceland has all four seasons of year. In June, the sun is out almost all day and night! 
In winter, there are only about 6 hours of sunshine a day!
Did you know that Iceland has both geysers and volcanoes?
If you find out more facts about these natural wonders of Iceland, please leave us comment!


We worked together in teams and researched some facts about puffins. Then we put our facts into sentences we created ourselves without plagiarizing!

We grouped our facts into three categories: what adult puffins look like, what puffins eat, and how pufflings are tended.
Finally, we sequenced our facts!

What Adult Puffins Look Like

Adult puffins are black with white bellies and faces. Puffins have waterproof feathers, so they won't get cold! They have large yellow, orange, black, and blue striped beaks. Every spring during nesting season, adults' bills get larger and more colorful. 
After nesting, their bills return to their normal color.

What Puffins Eat

Most adult puffins spend most their lives at seat, so they can catch fish. 
Puffins catch fish by diving and scooping it up in their bills. They devour
sardines, herring, smelt, and capelin.

How Pufflings Are Tended

Pufflings stay safely in burrows until parents come back from bringing fish to eat. Sometimes
puffins have to feed pufflings ten times a day! The parents feed the pufflings for six whole weeks!


We hope you enjoyed learning about puffins as much as we did!

Please do some research and add some facts in your comments.

Remember to put facts into your own words.
No plagiarism!

It's also fine to add some opinions as well!


  1. Dear Class,

    I found some interesting facts about puffins.

    First, I found out that they can also be called a sea parrot.

    Secondly, I learned that there are 3 species: Atlantic, Horned, and Tufted puffin. They have thick bodies, large heads, and a high flattened beak.
    I hope you enjoyed the facts I've shared with you.


    1. @Josh, you certainly did find some interesting facts. I think sea parrot is a great name for a puffin. They do look a little parrot-like!

      Good for you for finding out about the three types of puffins! Where do they each live?

      Keep up the great research!
      Mrs. Ranney


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:) Mrs. Ranney