Thursday, May 17, 2012

Welcome to Open House in Room 9, 2012!

Tonight we are so excited to share all of our 
exceptional work with friends and family members!
Enjoy your tour of our room! 
Humorous Homophones!

Hilarious Hink Pinks!

The Desert Habitat - Physical and Behavioral Adaptations!

The Ocean Habitat - Fabulous Fish with Coloration Adaptations!

Stunning Shapes with paragraphs!

Marvelous Money Stories!

Fabulous Frozen Fractions!

Things We Are Thankful For!

Our Award - Winning Blog!

Biography Timeline!

Please leave us a comment to let us know what you most enjoyed during your tour of our classroom! 


  1. Dear Mrs.Ranney and her class,

    I had AN AWESOME TIME TONIGHT. I really enjoyed seeing the class, since I was in Mrs.Ranney's class to. I loved her class and I hope you do enjoy it to.

    Reed ( Hayley's brother)

    1. @Reed, I was so glad to see you last night! I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to your old 3rd grade classroom!
      Mrs. Ranney

  2. Hi Mrs. Ranney,
    I loved your classroom. We did most of this stuff last year. This is very cool.


    1. @Aidan,
      It was so wonderful to see you last night! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!
      Cheers to you!
      Mrs. Ranney

  3. Dear Mrs. Ranney & Class,

    Thanks for giving us the opportunity to tour your class and see all of the great things you are doing.

    Our most favorite thing was the time line of biographies that you did. It's evident that
    you all worked very hard on them. Great job!


    Jason & Michelle
    (Josh's parents)

    1. Dear Jason and Michelle,

      Thanks so much for your appreciation and your support of all that we've done this year!

      I'm very impressed with your vocabulary and use of html code!

      Mrs. Ranney

  4. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    I am Aidan, Nate's brother. The open house was awesome! I really liked the fish project.

    Have a good day.


    1. @Aidan,
      I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself and our fish!
      Mrs. Ranney

  5. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    Thank you for working so hard to make your presentations for open house. We really enjoyed the biography timeline. It is obvious much work went into all of the children's projects, and they were so creative. What a fun way to learn about important people in history. We were also very impressed with the fabulous frozen fractions. We cannot believe how much the children have learned this year, and what a interesting way to learn math.

    Have a great time on the field trip today!

    Tami and Mark
    (Grace's parents)

    1. Dear Tami and Mark,
      Thank you so much for your appreciation and wonderful comment! When I step back and look at all the finished projects, I am amazed as well to see all that the children have learned!

      We have appreciated your support and help so much this year!

      All the best,
      Mrs. Ranney

    2. Dear Tami,

      Your comment was outstanding. Thank you for saying that our Biography Timeline was good. We put a lot of work into that.

      Our Frozen Fractions were a lot fun. Did you see the poster outside?

      Best Wishes,

  6. Dear Mrs Ranney and class,

    We so enjoyed touring your class last night. All the projects were amazing! One of my favorites was the "Things We Are Thankful For". We are all very thankful for your Mrs. Ranney!!! Thanks for an outstanding year. You have taught all of us!

    Michelle & Jerry Bass
    (Michael's parents)

    1. Dear Michelle and Jerry,

      I'm so glad you enjoyed Open House! Thank you so much for your kind words! I love teaching!

      Mrs. Ranney

  7. Dear Mrs. Ranney and Class,

    We were so impressed with all of your assignments you did throughout the year. Although we enjoyed viewing all of the projects, our favorite was the Biological Timeline!
    We loved seeing everyone's creativity. Who would have known that the project began with just a basic pipe cleaner. You are all amazing!!


    Julie and Jack
    (Adam's parents)

    1. Dear Julie and Jack,
      I am so glad you enjoyed all of the students' work!
      The biography timeline is a particular favorite of mine too!

      Thanks so much for your lovely comment and all your support this year!

      Mrs. Ranney

  8. Dear Mrs.Ranney and class,

    The classroom looks absolutely wonderful. I particularly liked the idea of Frozen Fractions and Humerous Homophones. I am certain all visitors enjoyed looking at and reading the displays.

    Teacher, NSW, Australia

    1. Dear Rmannell,

      Thank you for commenting on our blog. I also like Frozen Fractions, but I mostly like the Hink Pinks.


    2. Dear Mr. Mannell,

      Thank you for commenting on our blog.
      I also loved the fantastic frozen fractions.
      It took us awhile to do most of the projects.
      I hope you enjoyed our fascinating projects.


    3. Dear Mr. Mannell,

      Thanks for leaving a comment. Doesn't our work look beautiful! Before our open house, we wrote a biography book report. My subject was Queen Elizabeth. We prepared a diorama of our biography character which we showed at our open house. What type of projects do your students do for open house?

      Please right back.

      Warm wishes,
      Sydney from Mrs Ranney's class

  9. Dear Mr. Mannel
    Thank you for the compliment.
    I think the idea of Frozen Fractions and Humorous Homophones too.

    Thanks for commenting.


  10. Dear Mr. Mannell,

    Thank you for you spectacular comment! We also think visiters enjoyed exploring our classroom. My favorite projects were: Frozen Fractions, Humorous Homophones, Desert and Ocean Habitats, and our Biograph Timeline. We hope you enjoyed our online Open House!

    Best Regards,


  11. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    I think that Open House was triumphant! I loved all the projects. I especially liked making the projects. My favorite was doing the biography report and sculpture.

    Your Open House Lover,

  12. Dear Mr. Mannell,

    Thank you for saying that our Frozen Fractions were wonderful. I do think that they are frozen. I felt like I could eat them of the wall.

    I did enjoy making Humerous Homophones I did put a lot of work into that.
    I also loved making the Shape Paragraphs it was hard to glue the shapes on, and the border was hard too. The Thankful Paragraphs we typed, and we got a lot done.

    I hope you liked it.


  13. Dear Class,

    My favorite project was making the clay fish. I also liked making the shapes for the shape paragraph. All the work I did was exciting.

    Adam ♔

  14. Dear Mrs.Ranney and class,

    I enjoyed everything everyone made. I hope when my two sisters will be in third grade, they will get you.
    You rock Mrs.Ranney!


  15. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,
    Open House was amazing. I had so much fun there. My favorite project was the Money Story.The Money Stories were very creative.I hope I could visit next year.

    Loved Open House,

  16. Dear Mrs. Ranney and Class,

    My parents and I had a great time! We loved the Shape Paragraph because the shapes were glued to the paragraph. Also, we loved the biography timeline.

    Thanks for the wonderful year Mrs. Ranney.

    Best Wishes,


  17. Dear Mrs. Ranney and Class,

    Open House was incredible! My family's favorite piece of writing was the splendid Shape paragraph. My favorite project was the colorful fish made out of clay because it looked real. I felt proud of myself because my parents said they were proud of all my writings.

    See you tomorrow,

  18. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    The Open House projects were amazing! My favorites were Frozen Fractions, Money Stories, and the Ocean Animals. Also, I went into Mrs. Krause's classroom and saw they had some great projects too. I hope everyone had a great time at Open House.

    Best Wishes,

  19. Dear Mrs. Ranney and Class,

    My mom and dad's favorite thing at open house was the Frozen Fractions. They were very impressed with everyone's work. My favorite thing about open house was when I got to see all of the great work the class had done.


  20. Dear Mrs.Ranney and Class,

    My first favorite project at open house was the Shape Paragraph. My second favorite were the Hink Pinks and the Humorous Homophones. My third favorite were the Frozen Fractions. My forth favorite were the Money Stories.

    Best Wishes,


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:) Mrs. Ranney