Monday, November 7, 2011

Uniting for Unicef!

 UNICEF is the United Nations Children's Fund.
It was founded in 1946 to help children after World War II.
It now operates in over 150 countries all over the world and has saved
many lives!

The tradition of "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF" began in 1950
in the United States.

This year our school carried on that tradition!

In Mrs. Ranney's class many students participated and brought in their boxes of money
right after Halloween.

We all emptied our boxes and put our money together!

Once we had separated out the paper currency, we sorted the coins.

Please enjoy watching this slide show
which shows how we counted all of our donations!

Our UNICEF Donations! on PhotoPeach


Did you trick-or-treat for UNICEF?

How did you feel about this experience?

What did you learn from counting the money together in class?

Do you have any facts about UNICEF to share?


  1. Dear Mrs. Ranney and Class,

    Hi, this is Michelle, Josh's Mom. I think it's so great that Chaparral participated in a Unicef donor drive. It certainly is for a great cause and I know that Josh was excited to collect money for it. He was equally excited when he told me how much the class collected for Unicef. Great job Mrs. Ranney's class!

    Thanks for letting family members blog. Josh is looking forward to having his cousin, who lives out-of-town, participate in the blog.

    Best regards,

    (Josh's Mom)

  2. Dear Mrs. Ranney and Class,

    I learned that it is really nice to help children that need help to live better lives. I learned that $0.25 can give water to 10 kids each day. Did you know that over 100 kids die a day and we are saving them by trick or treating for UNICEF. I had a lot of fun brining the box trick or treating with me. received money from my neighbors and helped a lot of children. I cannot believe that we raised $144.96! That grand total was marvelous.

    See you tomorrow,

  3. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    Hi, this is Heather, Dylan's mom. Dylan has been so excited about participating in UNICEF. I love the effort that the class has put in to this great cause! $144.96 is an amazing grand total! Keep up the good work, Mrs. Ranney's class!

    See you soon,

    (Dylan's mom)

  4. Dear Michelle,

    Thank you for the awesome compliment to our class.

    I hope you blog a lot more.

    Best regards,
    Andrew ♔

  5. Dear Mrs. Ranney and Class,

    Hi, this is Andrew's mom. With all the excitement on Halloween night, we forgot to bring our UNICEF box with us trick-or-treating. Andrew wanted so badly to give to this wonderful cause so he took his own money out of his piggy bank and put it in his UNICEF box. I was very proud of him!

    Congratulations, class! What a generous group of students you are!

    Best regards,

    (Andrew's mom)

  6. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    I'm impressed with all of you! This is such a great and rewarding learning experience. As a class, you were able to collect a very generous donation for Unicef to help kids not as fortunate as you. It's amazing to see how every penny counts! Congratulations on a job well done!

    Thank you for allowing our family to participate in the blog this month. I look forward to reading all the comments.


    (Adam's Mom)

  7. Dear Mrs. Ranney,

    Hi, I am Jaden. I was in Mrs. Yollis' class last year. It is amazing that you raised $144.96. I'm not sure my class raised anything! I hope that the money really pays off. It would be devastating to see that money go to waste! Have a great school year!

    Jaden (Dylan, Josh, and Andrew's friend)

  8. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    I learned that it's really nice to help children that need help. Kids die every day, but we are saving their lives by trick or treating for UNICEF. I really feel good that we raised $144.96!


  9. Dear Mrs.Ranney and Class,

    I can't believe we gave $144.96 to UNICEF. It feels really good to donate money to children
    in need.

    Your classmate,


  10. Dear Mrs. Ranney and class,

    I love that you have a UNICEF < b/> donation < b/>. I can't believe that your < b/> currency < b/> was $144.96. I think that will help millions of children.

    Best regards,
    Vanessa's family


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:) Mrs. Ranney