Sunday, December 15, 2013

Geography of the U. S. A!

Recently we have been learning about geography,
the study of people and
 places on the earth.
We have learned about landforms,
or shapes on Earth's surface.
In addition, we have studied the regions,
or areas that share one or more features, 
of the United States. 

Here is an interactive quiz to help in practicing
 and reviewing what we learned! 

Geography Quiz on PhotoPeach

What have you learned about geography?
What landforms or bodies of water 
have you visited in the United States? 
Which regions have you visited 
and what have you seen? 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs Ranney,

    I have visited the Basin and Range Region when I was five. There, I visited the Grand Canyon.

    I also visited Lake Isabella and Lake Elsinore three years ago. We have a great time when we go to the lakes. Other bodies of water I visited were the Pacific Ocean (when I went to the beach), and lastly, I have been very close to the Atlantic Ocean, when I went to New York on a trip.

    Sincerely,Your Student,


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:) Mrs. Ranney