Today Mrs. Ranney's class enjoyed an exciting and educational trip to the local Chumash Indian Museum!
Watch the slide show below to see the activities we enjoyed!
Three Cheers for the Chumash! on PhotoPeach
Leave a comment and tell us about the activities you enjoyed most!
Share some facts about the Chumash!
You might also like to try answering the following questions:
What is the name of the Chumash canoe?
What are two ways the Chumash used asphaltum (tar)?
What beach is named for the tar that was found there?
What did the Chumash do to remove tannic acid from acorn?
Explain how to play a Chumash game.
Name some foods eaten by the Chumash.
What materials were used in building a Chumash ap?
What type of plant would the Chumash use to
get rid of a headache?